Download the mobile app
This app has been built for passengers, not drivers, in vehicles to share observations of local wildlife along highways in the Northern Sagebrush Steppe and is available for newer versions of iPhone and android phones.
You may load the IPhone app to your mobile device by searching the App Store for 'Wildlife Xing' or clicking here. For Android search Play Store for "Wildlife Xing" or by clicking here.

A few things to remember:
- You only need to register once on the app, and can use the same registration on both mapping tool and smartphone app
- The app relies on the GPS in your smartphone to record location, so this feature must be turned on, along with other permissions the app requests.
- You do NOT need internet access to use the app, data is stored on your smartphone and then uploaded once you are in a service area.
- Your app needs to be open for data to upload to our server, so remember to keep it open once you are in service for up to five minutes.